Surface Restoration & Protection

Surface Dyno specializes in the restoration of existing surfaces and the protection of new surfaces made of glass, ceramic title, porcelain, granite and other silica-based materials. The restorative surface treatments allow glass scratch removal, severe hard water staining, heavy acid damage, stained, and damaged existing surfaces to be restored to an “almost new” condition and then the protective treaments create long-lasting, non-toxic coatings on those surfaces that are water-repellent, stain-resistant, scratch-resistant, and impact-resistant.


Shower Screens

Surface Restoration is a cost effective way of rejuvenating your shower glass, we restore the clarity to glass and return the shine to dull tiles by removing the water and mineral staining which ruins their appearance, then apply our select nano treatment to protect and keep them looking new, saving you money on expensive replacement costs.

Protecting them from corrosion that is caused by soap scum, mineral and water staining. Protect your glass and tiles from day one. your shower will look as good as the day it was installed,always keeping it new , shiny and easy to clean. providing professional Nano surface treatments to glass and tiles. Surface Dyno comes to your home, our treatments take approximately 1 – 4 hours and your shower can be used within 2 hours after treatment.

Tiles and Grout

Untreated surfaces such as tiles and grout are porous and as a result it absorbs mineral deposits, soap scum, body fats and dirt making it very difficult to clean. Overtime it can discolor and look unsightly. Our Nano Surface treatment is a scratch resistant invisible coating made specifically for Glass, Ceramic tiles, Vitrified tiles and Porcelain surfaces, protecting them against water staining, calcium build up and soap residues etching into the surface of the tile that stains and dulls their appearance. Save time and money with permanent non-stick coating for all tiles and grout. Our ultra-thin transparent coating provides protection that will repel water and oil based stains and makes grime, dirt and soap scum easier to clean, no more scrubbing.
Marine Glass

Surface Dyno has the equipment and experienced staff available to restore and protect your glass marine windows and other marine glass. We can restore the glass back to it’s former glory by removing nasty scratches, wiper blade marks and other environmental build up for a fraction of the replacement cost.

Whether you have a super yacht, cruise ship or your weekend run-about we can customize a solution to suit every budget.

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Automotive Glass

Scratches and stains, including hard water stains, on car windows can be removed easily by Surface Dyno. Using the latest technology we will remove all forms of glass scratching including general scratching, deep scratching, sanding marks and door winding marks.

Surface Dyno also uses state-of-the-art nanotechnology to transform automotive glass into a high performance, ultra-long lasting rain repellent surface. This non-stick invisible coating turns the rainwater into beads, which are easily swept away, ensuring clearer vision in wet weather driving.

Stainless Steel

Restore your stainless steel using our specially formulated products which can remove damage to the steel. Follow up with an application of a non-stick protective coating that seals the surface, making cleaning and maintenance a snap.

Many acidic cleaners used to treat corrosion that develops on stainless steel can actually accelerate and increase the corrosion return rate.

Our protective coating eliminates the need for those cleaners, and will dramatically slow the corrosion process. Ideal for use on all stainless steel fixtures including balustrades, facades, steel tiles, kitchen surfaces and appliances.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are new Coworking Service Space, which is located in downtown, few minutes walk away from subway station. Etiam rhoncus vel enim vel pretium. Proin a augue ut tellus fermentum consectetur. Curabitur pharetra nisi at velit euismod, in congue nunc dapibus. In molestie feugiat sem at luctus. Phasellus in risus erat. Donec convallis a purus non ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ut sem turpis. Donec ac est vitae elit iaculis malesuada. Donec faucibus dui ligula, non interdum magna.

We located in downtown, few minutes walk away from subway station. Etiam rhoncus vel enim vel pretium. Proin a augue ut tellus fermentum consectetur. Curabitur pharetra nisi at velit euismod, in congue nunc dapibus. In molestie feugiat sem at luctus. Phasellus in risus erat. Donec convallis a purus non ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ut sem turpis.

We are working everyday in any hour. We are open for you 24/7. Pellentesque euismod orci a ante porta sodales. Maecenas mollis tellus nibh, in consectetur massa elementum vitae. Etiam non finibus orci. Quisque egestas orci sed vulputate varius. Nullam ac gravida metus, eu rhoncus tellus.

Yes, we have. Nulla et odio aliquet, imperdiet sem vel, scelerisque sapien. Praesent metus mauris, congue quis aliquam quis, fermentum nec tellus. Pellentesque consequat venenatis gravida. Suspendisse at elit suscipit, tristique elit ut, convallis sapien. Maecenas blandit eget sem sed tempor.

Yes, our coffee and tea are organic and meet all your requirements.  Vivamus blandit tortor eu ex commodo, ullamcorper ornare tellus vehicula. Pellentesque placerat sem a interdum mollis. Morbi auctor quam in gravida congue. Aliquam mollis scelerisque diam, quis hendrerit lectus eleifend eu. Duis at arcu eu eros semper dignissim vitae sed turpis.

We have fastest internet provider you have ever seen. Maecenas mollis tellus nibh, in consectetur massa elementum vitae. Etiam non finibus orci. Quisque egestas orci sed vulputate varius. Nullam ac gravida metus, eu rhoncus tellus. Aenean nibh justo, gravida non justo a, fermentum mi.